High school

High school

High school offers students a broad base of common subjects including humanities and science classes as well as speciality classes chosen by the student.
Electives help students complete their education and prepare them for post-secondary education.
Throughout the high school years, individual career guidance helps students choose their career so they can choose the appropriate high school specialities for acceptance into their chosen university field of study.
Students take Baccalauréat exams at the end of the 11th and 12th grades.

“Open your mind.
Sympathize with the people who are not from your country, your family,
your familiar surroundings or your group in order to understand them. Learn to admire.”
Madeleine Daniélou

Special characteristics of LIX’s high school

Each class has a homeroom teacher who is the academic supervisor for each student in the class.

  • Korean

    Level 1 for Korean native speakers

    Level 2 for students who are learning Korean as a foreign language

  • Weekly exams

    practice for Bac exams

  • Latin (optional)

  • Education for Humanity and Spirituality
  • Supervised study halls
  • Commitment to others
  • Preparation for competitions

Career guidance

  • Career guidance week (from the end of October to the beginning of November)

    Presentations by former students and by representatives of universities as well as exhibits by “Study in France” and
    “Campus France” of the French Embassy, which helps students continue their higher studies in France.
  • Job forum (in mid-January)

    Professionals come to the school and explain about their job and education to the students in the 9th (troisième) to 12th grades (terminale).
  • Discovering jobs

    Presentations by professionals about their experience, daily tasks, responsibilities and the profession they perform. Internship in 10th grade (2nde).

Grade 10

The first year of the three years of high school… before Baccalauréat exams begin in grade 11.

Acquiring the studying methods that will enable students to learn in depth all the subjects already studied in middle school

At the end of grade 10, students choose three specialities which they will take in grade 11 and 12.

Homeroom class and career guidance

  • French
  • History, Geography, and Moral & Civic Education
  • Economics and Social Science
  • 1st foreign language : English
  • 2nd foreign language : Chinese or Spanish
  • Mathematics
  • Physics and Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Digital Science and Technology
  • Physical Education

Special characteristics of Grade 10 at LIX

  • Exploration Education (2h)

    drama and plastic art

  • Korean history (1h)
  • Supplemental math class (1h)

  • Supplemental intensive French class
  • Internship (end of June)

Grade 11

Common subjects

Homeroom class and career guidance

  • French
  • History, Geography, and Moral & Civic Education
  • 1st foreign language (English)
    2nd foreign language
    (among Spanish, Chinese and Korean)
  • Physical Education
  • Science and Mathematics
Three speciality subjects

Three speciality subjects are chosen in Grade 11 (Première), two subjects continue in Grade 12 (Terminale)

  • Mathematics
  • Physics and Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Economics and Social Science
  • History Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science
  • Humanities, Literature and Philosophy
  • Languages, Literatures and Foreign Cultures (English)

Baccalauréat in Grade 11

French written and oral

Speciality the one which will not be taken in grade 12

Common subjects except PE

Option(s): 2nd foreign language (among Spanish, Chinese and Korean)

Special characteristics of Grade 11 at LIX

  • Practice exams in preparation for Baccalauréat exams

    - Weekly exams

    - Mock Bac exams in the 2nd and 3rd semester

  • Practice oral exam in preparation for Grand Oral

    - Weekly preparation and participating in international projects

  • Supplemental intensive French class

Humanitarian days at the end of June

Grade 12

Common subjects

Homeroom class and career guidance

  • Philosophy
  • History, Geography, and Moral & Civic Education
  • 1st foreign language (English)
    2nd foreign language
    (among Spanish, Chinese and Korean)
  • Physical Education
  • Science
Two speciality subjects continue in grade 12
  • Advanced Mathematics or Supplemental Mathematics
  • 3rd foreign language
    (Chinese, Spanish, Korean)
  • Latin
  • Law and Major Issues of the Contemporary World (DGEMC)
  • Preparation for competitions



Common subjects


Grand Oral Preparing 2 oral projects that are within the scope of the programs of 1 or 2 the student’s chosen speciality subjects throughout grade 11 and 12 Preparations continue throughout the year; more intensive preparation during the third trimester Twenty-minute oral exam of one chosen project without materials, before a jury composed of 2 teachers in mid-June at the end of the 12th grade (cycle terminal)

Preparation for the computing skills exam (PIX)

Special characteristics of Grade 12 at LIX

  • Practice exams in preparation for the Baccalauréat

    - 2 mock Bac exams in the school year
    (mid-December and at the beginning of March)
    Practice exams for the common subjects and the speciality subjects

    - « Baccalauréat type » practice tests (devoirs surveillés)
    Students take a « Baccalauréat type » test every week individually.

  • Encouraging students to take initiative, to be responsible, to work in groups, to build self-confidence and to be organized by preparing the school festival

Career guidance and counselling for university admission in France or in other countries

  • Individual assessment meetings with students

    the career guidance counselor and the homeroom teacher follow and check the work related to the student's personal and career aspirations in France or in other countries
  • Application writing help

    Helping students fill out applications for university entrance as well as helping students write a resume and a motivational letter for their intended major.
    Assistance is also provided in getting letters of recommendation from LIX teachers.