School project

School project

“Intelligence is the ability to understand and accept others and it connects us to the whole world.
It does not only limit our interests to the library wall, but it also opens our interests to infinity.”
Madeleine Daniélou

The LIX’s pedagogy finds its roots in the teachings of Madeleine Daniélou (1880-1956) who founded the first school in ‘Centres Madeleine Daniélou’ network more than 100 years ago.
The school project is to train students to have a global outlook so they can fully participate in the development of societies around the world.

    (Aiming for Truth,
    Goodness and Beauty)
  • Expressing Oneself

  • Cooperating with Others

  • Understanding Diversity

  • Committing to Others

  • Getting Along with Everyone

  • Learning to Think by Oneself
