Middle school

Middle school (6e & Cycle 4)

Grade 6 (6e) : The last grade in Cycle 3, which is the consolidation cycle, must give students the skills to adapt to the organization of and life in middle school as well as to continue learning more deeply the topics they have been studying for the first two years of Cycle 3.

Grades 7, 8, 9 (5e, 4e and 3e) : The objective of Cycle 4, the deepening cycle, is to enable students to develop their skills in various disciplines and in multidirectional courses. Special attention is given to the development of their future career. (Parcours Avenir) Artistic and cultural education and citizenship education enable students to build confidence in their essential capacity to face the abundant new knowledge and new technologies in the world.

At the end of the 9th grade, students take the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) exam.

“Releasing your potential is like tracing along the flow of a river.
The coolness of water, its richness, and its taste come from far beyond our imagination.”
Madeleine Daniélou

Special characteristics of LIX

Each class has a homeroom teacher who is the academic supervisor for each student in the class.

  • English

    Level 1 for English native speakers

    Level 2 for students who are learning English as a foreign language

  • Chinese or Spanish

    Starting from the 7th grade (5e)

  • Korean

    Level 1 for Korean native speakers

    Level 2 for students who are learning Korean as a foreign language

  • Latin (optional)

    Starting from the 7th grade (5e)

  • Korean history and geography

    Starting from the 7th grade (5e)

  • Weekly exams

    Starting from the 8th grade (4e)

  • Education for Humanity and Spirituality
  • Supervised study halls
  • Preparation for
    the “Cambridge
    B1 Preliminary
    for Schools”
    English test

  • Trip to France
    and living
    with a homestay family

  • Volunteer work

Middle school (Cycle 4)

  • French
  • History, Geography, and Moral & Civic Education
  • Mathematics
  • Physics and Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Technology
  • Music
  • Art
  • Physical Education