
Preschool (Cycle 1)

In the French education system, compulsory education starts from preschool.

“Childhood is like, with music and prayer,
one of those doors wide open to a mystery, not of night, but of light.”
Madeleine Daniélou
  • Use the French language in all dimensions

    1. Speaking Discuss and think with others Understand and learn Participate in conversations Begin to think about and learn to be aware of phonology Learn about linguistic diversity

    2. Writing Listen while following a written text; understand the text Discover the function of writing Discover the alphabet Begin and learn how to write Begin to write by oneself

  • Act, express, and understand oneself through physical activities

    Act in a space for a certain time with various objects Stay balanced while moving in various environments and under various constraints Communicate with others through expressive or artistic actions Collaborate, cooperate, and oppose individually or collectively

  • Act, express, and understand oneself through artistic activities

    Give a lively performance Make plastic and visual art Understand the world of sounds

  • Acquire the first mathematical tools

    Discover numbers and their usage Explore shapes, sizes and organized sequences

  • Explore the world

    Be aware of time and space Explore the world of living creatures, objects and materials

  • Learn together and live together

    Build oneself as a unique person within a group Understand the function of school

A special characteristic of LIX

  • Korean class (1h)