Elementary school

Elementary school (Cycle 2 and 3)

Becoming proficient in the French language and in the basics of mathematics are the primary objectives of the elementary school so students can use these fundamental tools that are necessary for further learning.
In Cycle 2, the program includes teaching students how to question the world, as well as artistic, physical, and moral and civic education.
In Cycle 3, students consolidate what they have learned in these areas, and they also discover science and technology, history and geography.
The school takes into account the diverse skills of each student.
In addition to reasoning and intellectual reflection, the meaning of observation, the pleasure of experimenting, emotional sensitivity, motor neural development and creative imagination are developed.

“Children need us even though they can manage to do things by themselves.
The objective of education is to help them develop their potential and to help them adapt to the environment.
Each child needs to be surrounded by lots of intelligent care, respect and love so that their potential can reach its fulfillment.
The gardeners who take care of their flowers and the shepherds who look after their lambs are full of attention and patience.
Since all children have in them such potential for joy and sufferings and also an eternal destiny, don’t we need to take care of them a thousand times more?
Even though a human being might be so fragile, he has infinite resonances, unsearchable profundity, and his own words.”
Madeleine Daniélou

Special characteristics of LIX

  • English (1h30)

    Level 1 for English native speakers

    Level 2 for students who are learning English as a foreign language

  • Korean (1h)

    Level 1 for Korean native speakers

    Level 2 for students who are learning Korean as a foreign language

  • Catechism Class (proposed)

Cycle 2 - Grade 1 (CP), Grade 2 (CE1), Grade 3 (CE2)

  • French

    French phonetics: writing and speaking the sounds Spelling: writing Learning language: grammar Literature & poetry: listening and reading Writing: writing sentences and stories

  • Math

    Numbers and calculation Space and geometry Sizes and measures Problem solving

  • Moral and Civic education

    Respecting others Learning and sharing French values Respecting the civic culture

  • Questioning the world

    Time Space Living creatures Material Digital environment

  • Art

    Art Music and singing

  • Physical Education

Cycle 3 - Elementary school part – Grade 4 (CM1), Grade 5 (CM2)

  • French

    Grammar Literature Writing

  • Math

    Numbers and calculation Space and geometry Sizes and measures Problem solving and using the given information

  • History and geography
  • Science and technology
  • Moral and Civic education

    Respecting others Learning and sharing the values of the country Respecting the civic culture

  • Media and Information education

    Time Space Living creatures Material Digital environment

  • Art

    Art Music Art history

  • Physical Education